Denmark has a point based immigration system for senior executives and professionals. The Denmark Greencard offers the applicant and his family members a residence permit for three years. Applicants earn points based their professional and educational qualifications, principal applicant’s age, language proficiency and the amount of experience the applicant has in the claimed profession among other.
The prospective Denmark Greencard applicant should however be careful and take certain precautions. The applicant has to first to carefully review Denmark’s point based system and carefully compute his or her points from various selection criteria. The Danish government also has a list of positive occupations, i.e. those with high employment opportunities in Denmark to ensure that the holder becomes a successful immigrant to Denmark. In reviewing these qualifications, the Denmark green card applicant has to ensure that the standards of his professional or educational standards are at par with those required in Denmark.
Simply claiming that your educational and professional background qualifies you on the positive list is not enough, the applicant has to provide proof in the form of educational certificates and appropriate references from previous employers to qualify. You are advised to treat this application as you will a job application; the duties and responsibilities held under previous employment should be clearly enumerated. On the subject of language proficiency, the applicant should provide proof. English test reports or a write up in the English language can suffice for this purpose. All professional and educational documents presented by the applicant should be in the English language.
As obvious as it may seem, forgetting submit the right amount of fees together with the application documents will certainly rule any applicant out of the draw. The forms should also be clearly filled and should provide as much positive information about the applicant as possible. The applicant must also prove that he or she can meet the expenses associated with settling in a new country. Evidence for this should be provided in the form of savings funds. Expert advice on the various financial instruments types of savings should be sought.
Right amazing article! It amazes me so much! I thank you for this, if you need some helpful information regarding Green card application form Im always open for you.